Saturday, April 27, 2013

I Am What Happens to You

I am the circuit-riding preacher haunting your dream
I am hawking my words at the flea circus
I am all purple oceans and parties with you
I am all your silent steeds
I am all their pawing at the threshold of your door
I am as hard to decipher as Sanskrit or Urdu
I am your Joe Gillis and you are my Betty Schaefer
I am original sin in the story we are writing
I am a receipt for purchases from wherever we go
I am your recipe for chili the secret's in the spices
I am the sweet nectar the ketchup in your chili  
I am on the beach where we stood on our heads
I am sexy innuendos and desirable hostilities
I am sorry to keep you dancing counterclockwise
I am the tilted windmill all dark rise over the hill
I am they say a moper who is loudly dancing
I am standing on the unkempt patio of crisis
I am the dolorous voice of Nevada such a sad state
I am the broken mast of the last barkentine
I am the barista who spills your coffee yipes
I am better off late than no martinis at midnight
I am the supplicant the acolyte of language
I am your eye sucked by desire
I am up on the mountainous confusion of our love
I am for generations for generations for generations
I am the awkward arms of America
I am feeling just like Whitman 
I am better than being actually present
I am how you made love to Nevada the sad state
I am here in Mississippi such a godforsaken state
I am well thank you for the broken roses
I am saying leave it alone it'll only make you sneeze
I am a number of naked selves dancing in the river
I am how music tumbles around us
I am standing here with my harp my friend
I am smothering the perfection of anonymous inanity
I am not a metaphysical poem
I am in truth in grief over the death of Frank Stanford
I am the casual reader of my broken syntax
I am the first to read the lips of night in your eye
I am the sheltered flowers nodding in your bedroom
I am your recurring dream of Berlin and fame
I am where you sell your diamonds for fame
I am the drowned poet who tells the tale
I am going nowhere I haven't gone before

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