Monday, April 15, 2013

By Any Common Understanding of the Situation

The Spanish fingers of night
Strum all the guitars in Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Those fingers clutch the very fishes of the zeitgeist.

Shall we catch those fishes on our birthdays?

They flop in our baskets, but we
Can't hear their final song
Over static from our goddamn radios.

And all the forgotten hopes our fathers
Drop in that dark, that springmelt
Water where we know we slip
Like minnow-bait between our fingers.

Oh, our mothers’ wishes all
Disappear, those ladies who don't
Trust us anywhere.

Still we sing away.

We sing a fey 
And left-hand version of “Green Onions”
To our mothers. We sing it,
And they say:

There ain't no guitar players
Live here in Vicksburg anymore.

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