Wednesday, April 24, 2013

When We Talk of Love

If we subdivide time into three equal parts
The distances covered (given by the areas)
Are in the ratio one-three-five.

Oh! So we’re taking off our masks, are we,
And we see ourselves, our many faces
As if for the first time, for the first time,
Really, and the clock tick-tick-ticks above our heads.

The terms latitude and longitude used
Are in a general sense equivalent to our ordinate
And absicissa, and the graphical representation
Is akin to our analytic geometry.

I will ask you only one more time to lend me
Your eyes. I can change what you see.
It’s wonderful to admire ourselves
With complete and naked candor.
Crying into our elbows will get us nowhere.

Moreover, this theory was chiefly interested in
The area under the curve. Hence, it is not
Very likely that it saw the other half
Of the fundamental principle of analytic geometry.

So, what is it? What in the hell are you talking about?

That every plane curve can be represented,
With respect to a coordinate system,
As a function of one variable.

One variable? Are you kidding me?
Way back then, when time pretended to stand
By us, we wrote our bloody names with a knife
Everywhere we took a piss, 
Against the beech tree,
On the belly of a cow, 
On all the books in the high school library
(Remember when we were library aids?), 
In the farthest lofts of our fathers' barns, 
On all our sisters' horse statues,
On the forehead of all the bullies who learned
They could get dinner with us—
But we would get a vicious lunch.

We wrote our names on the very face 
Of the television screen we used to call the sun.

We licked the blade when we were done.

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