Friday, January 10, 2014

The Day of Strange Nakedness

             You’re either mine or you’re not mine
O Theodore I’m yours and I’m not yours
                        —Spike Jonze, Her

While I say this I'll be wiping the lenses of my
Eyeglasses the better to see the dark city I speak
Now as a man hollowed out but not a hollow man
As a road without cars but not an empty road
Here and there trampled innocence can be seen
Tiny fires cupped in the hands of traitorous angels
The silence in the sky isn’t it so depressing to be
Overwhelmed by stars by night’s efficient legions
Made somehow pure and new somehow not
To be ignored O why does this instinct of despair
What Frank O’Hara might’ve called a terrible
System of belief why does this erase blindness
Not from the man but from the blind man’s dog?
Now speak nocturnal linen unfurl across my loins

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