Sunday, June 30, 2013

Difficult at Midnight

Our eyes miss us when we taste all over again
Every time we feel our sound our breath our
Mind embodied in voices here between us
We imagine that we’ve counted every stone
On this beach each one smooth as those we 
Poised in childhood for the perfect pitch across
The quietest lake to make ten maybe fifteen
Skims O the looping algorithms of our hearts
Oi! How can we ask our subtle questions and
Still part the green lips of these trees without
Wickedness or gentle branches torn from whom?
Now the leaves fall ecstatic and unreadable
Over what story we can’t yet see what we write
Untiringly these words in our hands in our eyes

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Inexorably the Sun of the Dead Rises

We think we know what comes next the orderly
Battalions of souls marching toward purgatory
And hell is still the oldest story we know by heart
Nostalgia sets in and see? There’s no before
Or after regardless of the movies we love so
This river has a name or not and it takes us
Somewhere we may know or we may not
Most of the time we know nothing and we
Know nothing twice as well as anyone else
The shore trees spell out words we speak
Surprisingly well new ideas embodied in these
Odd nothings these broke-jawed gnawings
Our voices name every tree and yet we know
Nothing twice as much as what comes next

Wearing Our Best Grimace

We live here in this quiet city waiting for what?
Storms arrive and take away our electricity
And we grind our teeth in the absolute tinnitus
Quietude of a house growing slowly warmer
All day and we smile and say welcome to
Mississippi but really but rather our spirits long
To find totality and to traverse their dreams
Whose tongue? Whose dark sayings will do?
Who will cleanse our hearts one at a time just
Amid those narrow wails that undermine night?
And who doesn’t erect themes that ripen like
Two bodies in carnal vain? Our love shatters
Ten years of rainbows and three solid hours
Of green lightning and torrential rain we think

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Grim Justice of Light

Each night we soak our skin in salt water dreams
We wear such naked tattered shadows to bed
First light we look and squawk like smiling seaweed
What kind of children were we who see our souls
Entwine their delicate crystal necks desperate
To reach what stratosphere we can never touch?
What buried skies we nearly feel so far from what?
Dromedaries lumber across the desert of our love
Such dry estuaries blow dust to deltas of our love
Such thirsty currents carve these hard archipelagos
Of our love O divine rhetoric of our geometric love
We are nocturnal gods who chew with such taciturn
Indifference the libidinous rhythms and rhymes
Of our love our mouths full of bleeding ravens

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

So Far Ahead of Us That Is

We land today at the port of Vicksburg in our
Scarred leather and wreaths of stinking roses
These complicated blossoms that smell like rough
Night-heavy sex with a faint trace of pain then
You smile and I think that finally I’m the svelte hero
You hoped for but never dreamed would come
A sword in one fist a bouquet in the other O happy
Birthday America here’s a strange sunrise suffused
With odors I can’t choose between their fine
Fingers lifting me loftward which is not to say up
You’d think the best things in life were free as dead
Flowers and scar-marred grins but in a sense these
Days don’t add up to a life do they? And it's not
Your birthday yet this is all so terrifically premature

Monday, June 24, 2013

Well That Past We Have’s Always with Us eh?

I am the tiny leopard that leaps on high bookcases
When you are away I am searching for unequaled
Knowledge in lonely dust covered tomes you don’t
Intend to read I know so I offer all my gall my tricks
My savage rage to fake leather-bound books I hate
So much when you’re gone I march across the high
Ledge between ceiling and wall toppling three four
Five your Boston ferns I only lunge at what you keep
Secure oranges Halifax and tumbrils are my favorite
Words I won’t become a martyr of your silly chili but
Still I spill it to show how much I adore your secrets
Your recalcitrant heart and night seems to prefer
Us I say but you say it’s all about mirepoix and herbs 
De Provence and looking bored while it happens