Wednesday, December 04, 2013

The Day of Fortitude

It’s the 4th of December exactly 7:19 p.m.
When we wind our watches twenty-four hours 
Forward to synchronize the date with a silver
Stallion rearing on a bookshelf and restless 
For a rider just as Babieca pined for his El Cid
O let’s just order a pizza with extra mushrooms
If we’re so hungry for the truth and believe
You me my cutie my blue-eyed equestrian 
Gets all excited by these impulsive stars these 
Tempestuous notes on the ole ice piano 
As if we seem to us to have said this all before 
Since when are we so full of brio escondido? when
Will we admit that I'm the Andalusian warhorse 
You'll ride in your campaign of reconquista?

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