Sunday, July 07, 2013

It’s Not Masks Now It’s Faces

Ancient names convulsed and veined and
Folded in continental eons these evasive gestures
Laid bare by geologic time cut by the me of my
Infinitely star-stained hiss my crucible my oblivion!
The telescope glimpses what pleasures what
Subjugated joys sluiced by love and motion?
Shall I lasso the jellied planets and pull them down?
Shall I punch the bludgeoned moon stunned by
Kisses the fine good-days the fine good-byes I who
Smell the fiery cage cloaked in downy offerings?
The cumulus cavalcade the pendulous predawn
Eloquence the eyes and tranquil blaze of morning!
Shall I my familiar answer your deepest soundings?
Shall I set trumpets pulsing toward constellations?

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