Friday, July 19, 2013

It Won't Be Long

They shake their eyes at me and flaunt their thirst
Their dreams risen like shrouds of dust in their dry hearts.
Sunlight embroidered these forgettable birds these open-
Mouthed sparrows hungry for what in this vast desert?

Herds of them too parched to fly schools of them swimming
Air-ward and inviolately panting all casting on this immense 
Parquet floor such questions as I have never known to ask.
As if in the solitary act of seeing I see double behold two 
Possibilities like slightly unlike twins parallel worlds
Reflected back to me such a contrary source
And I hear empty women laugh and say:  Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya
Whatever that means.

Such apocalyptic sensualism in my poems in my inverted
Persona all to discover what part of myself in a sense
Is a poet—the recognition of which will be delayed maybe ten
Centuries as was the case with Moses Maimonides my
Teacher my friend.

O hello Ole Moses!  How’s it going?

Who can say where exactly the inner and the outer world
Meet like estranged lovers wordless but with ecstatic gestures?

O this profound crisis of values all fallen along with ancient 
Columns into a liquefied foundation of corrupt culture What?

When I was fifteen I set off on a continual search for impossible
Totality in a quiet at times monotonous music that evaporates
That vanishes into the haunted country I created all by myself.

It occurs to me by the way in the face of a discredited culture
That the sky unfurls a kind of subversive doubt.  O I know I have
Become a measly Life-ist who stands firmly against Life!

I take nothing at face value or seriously ya-ya-ya-ya-ya or
What she said. The Poem will resemble me
For no less rambunctious an art of total negation can survive 
More than a few hours beyond the womb.
Someone laughs and says:
Hell y’all that don’t take no goddam abortion to do.

Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya she says.

No matter how long I sing and sing and sing the poem dies
Not three hours beyond vulgar understanding—
For the destructiveness must ultimately include myself
I who have been excommunicated from poetry I 
On whom the sun bestows a stunning lyrical intention.

In the intransigency of the blood the intimacy of etymologies 
Tangled in the semantical love-knot

I stare blankly at the empty city.

Where does poetry reside?

Everywhere infused with a fire of ironic humor poems
Hop around like popcorn in a deep but insufficient skillet
An urgency of process in my love to which I say the absurd
Is the finest and most basic form of metaphysical existence.

At this point I turn to Heraclitus and the pre-socratics.
I want to hear less logically definitive verbs 
Spilling from morning.  I want to hear at once 
A lyrical summoning of the natural correspondence.

Meantime I shall meditate on poetic process
Itself a vigilant hermeticism but a consciously reduced 
Range of imagery shimmering still every temptation toward
Abstraction O in the short nature of poems tightly sprung.

When the sparrows call me Federico Garcia Lorca will come!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

We Go on a Hey and a Ho and a Hey Nonino

Upon the promise of sure wind and desire
Upon the vista of an under-the-bridge bar
Upon a song of the dwarf and the two-bit guitarist
Upon a childhood of oatmeal cookies yum yum
Upon losing something but not knowing what
Upon Danish perfumes at the lonely arroyo
Upon a dog-eared volume of Verlaine voluptuously
Upon Chinese legends before bulrushes opened
Upon the rough long-nailed intimacy of happy fools
Upon the wind that smiles through guitar strings
Upon either shore of the Mississippi River
Upon the sea galleys that went with cleaving prows
Upon the sea that sank them O drowned intimacy
Upon the seafaring sorrows and woes of the host
Upon the murmuring of the morning ghost
Upon the Ah! we must leave we must go away
Upon the loose-tooth wind flapping between words
Upon remembering us when we are gone away
Upon wondering does this road go uphill all the way
Upon nonsense we go a hey a ho and a hey nonino

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

When Hymns of Other Worlds She Sings

Caroline finds one way a girl can
Repay a boy for entertaining her a bite
To eat at her house will save him money
Perhaps they’ll bring another couple
Home with them O that would be fun!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

And No New Business Breaks Our Peace

I saw infinity the other night I swear I did
Three cartwheels just as my mother taught
Me to poise above the center of my body
O shit I can’t lie well yes I can but that is
A shameless whatchamacallit or whatever
Let’s weigh the steadfastness of the state
Let’s give early let’s give late appointments
Ever finding ourselves in the same old bowers
All calm as it were to say bright and round
Beneath it no proper song to justify the sound
Don’t let me down says whosits don’t let
And so on you knowits as I supposits such
Play in this water to swim back home
O I know I am a vain old man swearing