Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I Write Your Name

I write your name
On profundities of night
Lost as daybreak
Shrugs its ancient aching shoulders

I write your name on salt streets
As they unfurl and yawn

I write your name
On dawn’s gnawed crosses
When air trembles with a scent of musty laughter

I write your name
On the bicycle spokes of morning
Whirling in search their gleam
Their fugitive sparkles of time

I write your name
On a blurred noise
A tired moan of low reproach

I write your name
On the waking river’s naked fist
And on the barn swallow’s panting wing

I write your name
On the sun’s lusty ascent
And on day sumptuously
Consuming itself

I write your name
On the city’s dirty linen
On the city’s unmade bed
On the city’s tarnished eyeglasses
On the city’s thick indifferent heart

I write your name
Where you are not
In the poor murmur of a poem
In a fluttering of useless feathers

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