Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Burn This Note After

God phones and says that you and I
Are too day-dreamy that we know
Nothing of our past and tend toward
Some unreachable infinite assignation

First of all he's wrong so far as I can tell
Secondly we would have to do everything
The opposite just to avoid our own boredom
And then where would we be?

You teach me when to sing the stars awake
And I show you where to whisper dawn
Down from the empty sky
Which brings tomorrow O tomorrow!

God says we break the storehouse locks
That we incite transparent hearts he keeps there
He says we stretch dried skin
Over leagues of language and call it mother

God says we transgress all that we believe
At any given moment
That we become the apocalyptic look
That we don’t care at whom we stare

It’s true we sometimes are content to watch
Only us and we know this and pretend
Not to gaze at us O we’ve come such a long way
Corralling our coltishly flatulent souls

It's true we will perish and no one will have seen
Our souls except us and it would not have been
Out of the question to have been born
A couple ponies kicking up happy farts in a field 

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