Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Flag Day in Vicksburg Mississippi

The “thing-in-itself” (which would be, precisely, pure truth, truth without consequences) is impossible even for the creator of language to grasp, and indeed this is not at all desirable.
        Friedrich Nietzsche

Pain always produces logic, which is very bad for you.
        Frank O’Hara

Here I am on a southern sidewalk
Standing at a lamppost and holding an umbrella
Thinking about the words of Frank O’Hara
And of you again

Distant as drizzle over the Pacific
Near as night mist rising from the Mississippi
Fog pooling in low fields and lapping at the hills

I remember you
Wore a dress of Turkish cloth
And a tunic edged with fine gold braid

You were laughing and laughing
Blue eyes white teeth very red lips
A face with the colors of America

I am writing a poem
Not about a flag
Nor about a song about a flag

I am writing a poem
About mystery flowering into any ear that listens
Things blooming in strange domains of language

O lovely stranger

I’m writing a poem
About us

Our story’s noble as a tattered flag

I remember the light of your metropolis
Was a little bored and disgusted
Like the landscape’s hard beige hills
Light lost in the alleys of your yellow city
Light that wanted to be near us

Now that I’m back in Vicksburg and can think
The night grass is gray when street lights come on
Here where fortuity blesses our difference
Here where to be not what one seems
But what one quixotically becomes

Here where Heal-All and Prairie Phlox bloomed
On Independence Day 1863
When Pemberton surrendered his sword to Grant
Flowers that gave the lie to a fallen city
And gave the lie to ironic guns and the sorry rig of 
That gave the lie to twenty-thousand killed and 
     wounded soldiers

Remember how your poetry teacher
Made you believe in never getting bluer
Or greener or purpler and never going on and on
Like nightfulness like the dark?

She believed in the rules of poetry
An elaborate but fake symmetrical order
Like the old courthouse in Vicksburg
With its big portico and inflated columns
Yet with the real work done in back rooms
Where in the decades after Reconstruction
White landowners contrived to disenfranchise
Generations of black Americans

Many decades passed before the town
Officially celebrated the Fourth of July

You live in a place with no memory of an enemy’s boot
Is that why ennui haunts your city’s light?

I remember the cadence of your steps up a blind 
Ending at a door that might have opened on the void
Maybe you were reading too much
French poetry

Words you still feel but can’t remember
And may never see again
Like phantom limbs

We have dreamt a space within us
Dark and small enough for infinite silence

You’re so beautiful
Who would ever dare to love you?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Caught Up in Absolute Gravitation

It’s true
Antonin Artaud told us

Life consists of burning up questions
Sharp sensations in our limbs
Stilettos of ice lodged in our throats

Night’s blurred voice
Scraping against the earth
A low mutter over cold stones
A thin untethered scuff—a moonlit scrap
All tangled up in the toils of desire
Igniting tiny constellations in our eyes

A word like what?
Just like a naked foot
Rippling the black water of our love
A shivering pane of star-swerved sound
Immoderate ecstasy or anger
The whole goddamn milky way
Hurling over us

Friday, September 23, 2016

I See You Walking Into

A sweeping meticulously white
Frivolity O these wind-tossed petals!

Yes it’s tough when we’re here
Always wanting things to be beautiful

Momentous events are just
One two three trillion flakes that keep
Falling off these pear trees 

Now you a little troubled
Rejoin the others and a quiet
Adolescence when you tasted wonderful
Air every morning before school

Yes and those days were still
Irritating and boring and svelte
Perpetually ardent like spring
Blossoms trodden and run over

Monday, September 12, 2016

Far Away Lips upon an Armpit

When you come to Vicksburg
Will you take a boat?

The possibilities for visions grow
The closer you get
Vicksburg’s lousy with quizzicalness too
You might like to know

That’s okay
My door's open to midwinter rain on the magnolia

Come on in
Put out your hand
Isn’t there a poem suddenly there?

Each day’s a new line in the poem of our life

The purest fragments the clearest
Residue of mislaid sound

You could say dawn
Sometimes revives a curious plant
Which might symbolize possibility
Or half a dozen other ilities

And then again sometimes dawn
Unzips a sleeping dog
Vicksburg’s lousy with those too
Unzipped hounds

There’s a haunted mansion
We should inhabit on a promontory

Remember when you said
You don't really get me
High anymore

I said I do
Four because one’s not enough anymore

It wouldn’t surprise me
If I had a vision
People have them in Mississippi
More than you’d think

I wander drunkenly here

Going up for a change
Was all we really wanted
That afternoon on the escalator

Now it’s always the last heist 
On this escalator where I’m only slightly 
Piqued to find my only slightly sullied wings
Hidden in your garretless eyes

Vicksburg’s lonely without you
Your irreprovably sour smile

How many teeth have chewed this
Little piece of eternity
As if beauty’s a thing
That keeps going up for a change?

My solitude has your face
Your sigh-colored hair
Your silence which comes as a kiss

What I really want to say is
This place could be
The happiest moment in all infinity

When will your boat
Arrive at the landing?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

No Further Than Forgotten

When as if entangled in dry air
A memory opens like a dark rose
And again you lean close to whisper

Your breath caressing my neck
Your curls touching my cheek

I can’t sleep

Night breathes darkly on my face
And unbuttons my mind with dreaming fingers

I think of your lips
Your mouth a pink rosette
O sweet cockade of passion!

I have several festivals inside me
One of whose doors
Only your voice opens

My heart is a cavernous ballroom
Where silk-slippered acolytes
Dance among the mirrors

I have tombs of air inside me—
Hear my dry mumble
Echo in your city’s yellow canyons

Until I saw you
I never knew a woman
Without a shadow
O fire of naked flowers
Far from these avid fingers
What good does it do
To hold out the hand of my thoughts?

Since I came home
Spring squats on bare haunches
The hungry season waits
Like a dog in the road 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Pernicious Advice of Dreams

Tonight I take no interest in the dark
Thundery torrent
Of angry decimals pelting the window

Tonight I feel like Hindu numerals
Before there was a symbol
For the missing position

When zero trembled brightly
Just out of earshot
Where music turned to noise

I remember you sweetly
Took the corner of your napkin and wiped
A prime number from my lip

I remember how you stood
Suddenly before a tribunal of angry algorithms
Having found among your many blonde hairs
A gray one

O fire of naked flowers
Far from these avid fingers!

In the rule of three
Multiply the fruit
By the desire
And divide by the measure
So you get the fruit of the desire

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Deciphering These Snow-Ridden Thoughts

Certainly this able-bodied day
Fills up the page
Distance always occurs
Where light comes to rest
Imagine how to write it
The ill-fated sentence of a still-
Born affection squeezed between
Parentheses O demonstrative act
Of love be adorned and so forth
Be but some tender estrangement
Ceaselessly deferred and given
To simplicity given to simple words
Maybe too a common prayer
Or a double dash why not--
I haven’t had a hair cut in weeks
I haven’t even cut and cleaned
This intractability of fragments
A necessary return to distance
A space where I might find this
Inscribed date happening in silence
A precise imprint slowly forming
Right here on the very spot
Imagine a dome of cavernous air
Phosphorescent volumes of thought
Moons among demolished moons

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Light in the Attic

Gustavo says it’s qualities of light
In whatever he looks at
The way someone’s past glimmers up
The trunk and into eucalyptus leaves

The way broken sunlight carves
A throat as radiant as yours
Or how a cloud shadow tills
Tender alleys in this yellow city

What does he know
Holding on to it for grace
For your silence!

Gustavo goes walking
With some intent to knock
He goes walking towards the sky
That passionate suffering can’t wrinkle

He goes walking
Where the sun blinks its infant eyes
Aflame in this immortal desire to die

The Sun Scalding the Little Day

So you promise we won’t die
A flashing bolt
A sudden kiss
Just laid onto the page
Just there you say
In whatever form
We can find it
Perhaps like a snow fart
Perhaps a tiny city
Drowned in a snow globe
Shake well touch on
Anonymously statuary
Watches us you say
The way we look
Our faces
Emblems of weary futurism
All winky and all kissy
All wet with digital ink
This isn’t paradise
It’s just another way of saying
Clouds consist entirely
Of ice-crystals 
And lateness
You say isn’t just
A book of poems
David Shapiro wrote
No way not at all
It’s also colors
We see through waves
As we stand by the balustrade
Admitting that this hotel 
Will be the death of us

Monday, February 22, 2016

For the Silver Leaf

Tonight time withdraws
To the naked lamp’s blind kingdom
You feel the weight of inenarrable events
In an era before spoken things
Where nothing thwarts the wind
And you find the moment
At the exact midpoint of your life

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Evening in the Coppered Hills

Your fear of not being
Makes you intimate with stones

And your fear of missing
The slow movement of shadows
Their quiet breathing
Their whispers
Makes you kin to silence

Insects pause at your hunting boots
Nothing’s out of season

Friday, February 12, 2016

How to Love a Poem

Jazz it
but don’t
razz it

Wiz it
but don’t
jizz it

Yearn it
but don’t
learn it

Spare it
but don’t
wear it

Lay it
but don’t
play it

Shout it
but don’t
spout it

Spit it
but don’t
shit it

Spite it
but don't
shite it

Cock it
but don’t
lock it

Chew it
but don’t
spew it

Lust it
but don’t
bust it

Thirst it
but don't
burst it

Lose it
but don’t
booze it

Piss it
but don’t
miss it

Carve it
but don’t
starve it

Lick it
but don’t
stick it

Trash it
but don’t
smash it

Tease it
but don’t
seize it

Grab it
but don’t
bag it

Slap it
but don’t
trap it

Hold it
but don’t
fold it

Own it
but don’t
loan it

Hear it
but don’t
fear it

Slice it
but don’t
ice it

Find it
but don’t
bind it

Fight it
but don’t
bite it

Sex it
but don’t
text it

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I Write Your Name

I write your name
On profundities of night
Lost as daybreak
Shrugs its ancient aching shoulders

I write your name on salt streets
As they unfurl and yawn

I write your name
On dawn’s gnawed crosses
When air trembles with a scent of musty laughter

I write your name
On the bicycle spokes of morning
Whirling in search their gleam
Their fugitive sparkles of time

I write your name
On a blurred noise
A tired moan of low reproach

I write your name
On the waking river’s naked fist
And on the barn swallow’s panting wing

I write your name
On the sun’s lusty ascent
And on day sumptuously
Consuming itself

I write your name
On the city’s dirty linen
On the city’s unmade bed
On the city’s tarnished eyeglasses
On the city’s thick indifferent heart

I write your name
Where you are not
In the poor murmur of a poem
In a fluttering of useless feathers

Monday, February 08, 2016

Little Elegant Doubts a Thimbleful of Fluid Might Erase

Let’s not look feasibly
Worn around the edges
Nor predictably clichéd
Let’s be half air like these insubstantial thoughts

Let’s blow for instance
Dry words at each other
Gaseous puffs colliding
In the space between these open mouths

Or elsewhere down
Silent corridors we see
Dimly as at twilight
The true pretense of these archaic faces

Let’s be frozen gods
You so beautifully keen
I so full of latter-wit
Feeling kissy like these fragile statues

Let’s be luminous beasts
To see and to be seen
And we will only speak
The ancient language of these incandescent eyes

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Hey Dude

I wanted to say hi
But I guess you’re too busy
Farting onto the mirror
To see if it fogs up

It totally does!

Call me back

There as in the Water of a Mirror

Never again to trust the solitude of rivers
Nor open fields receding from either shore
No more murmurations of starlings that rise
In one many-winged whirl to settle again
With a single instinctive mind on tilled soil
Never again the blank blue sky empty
And cloudless like your last-time eyes
When we stood there discussing spiders
Found in birds’ bellies and the sentence
Where we prepared for whatever might
Happen in the aftermath of introductions
Never again our frost affected thoughts
Turning toward tropical erotic zones
Where we'll meet again in paradise