Thursday, April 14, 2016

No Further Than Forgotten

When as if entangled in dry air
A memory opens like a dark rose
And again you lean close to whisper

Your breath caressing my neck
Your curls touching my cheek

I can’t sleep

Night breathes darkly on my face
And unbuttons my mind with dreaming fingers

I think of your lips
Your mouth a pink rosette
O sweet cockade of passion!

I have several festivals inside me
One of whose doors
Only your voice opens

My heart is a cavernous ballroom
Where silk-slippered acolytes
Dance among the mirrors

I have tombs of air inside me—
Hear my dry mumble
Echo in your city’s yellow canyons

Until I saw you
I never knew a woman
Without a shadow
O fire of naked flowers
Far from these avid fingers
What good does it do
To hold out the hand of my thoughts?

Since I came home
Spring squats on bare haunches
The hungry season waits
Like a dog in the road 

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