Thursday, April 14, 2016

No Further Than Forgotten

When as if entangled in dry air
A memory opens like a dark rose
And again you lean close to whisper

Your breath caressing my neck
Your curls touching my cheek

I can’t sleep

Night breathes darkly on my face
And unbuttons my mind with dreaming fingers

I think of your lips
Your mouth a pink rosette
O sweet cockade of passion!

I have several festivals inside me
One of whose doors
Only your voice opens

My heart is a cavernous ballroom
Where silk-slippered acolytes
Dance among the mirrors

I have tombs of air inside me—
Hear my dry mumble
Echo in your city’s yellow canyons

Until I saw you
I never knew a woman
Without a shadow
O fire of naked flowers
Far from these avid fingers
What good does it do
To hold out the hand of my thoughts?

Since I came home
Spring squats on bare haunches
The hungry season waits
Like a dog in the road 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Pernicious Advice of Dreams

Tonight I take no interest in the dark
Thundery torrent
Of angry decimals pelting the window

Tonight I feel like Hindu numerals
Before there was a symbol
For the missing position

When zero trembled brightly
Just out of earshot
Where music turned to noise

I remember you sweetly
Took the corner of your napkin and wiped
A prime number from my lip

I remember how you stood
Suddenly before a tribunal of angry algorithms
Having found among your many blonde hairs
A gray one

O fire of naked flowers
Far from these avid fingers!

In the rule of three
Multiply the fruit
By the desire
And divide by the measure
So you get the fruit of the desire

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Deciphering These Snow-Ridden Thoughts

Certainly this able-bodied day
Fills up the page
Distance always occurs
Where light comes to rest
Imagine how to write it
The ill-fated sentence of a still-
Born affection squeezed between
Parentheses O demonstrative act
Of love be adorned and so forth
Be but some tender estrangement
Ceaselessly deferred and given
To simplicity given to simple words
Maybe too a common prayer
Or a double dash why not--
I haven’t had a hair cut in weeks
I haven’t even cut and cleaned
This intractability of fragments
A necessary return to distance
A space where I might find this
Inscribed date happening in silence
A precise imprint slowly forming
Right here on the very spot
Imagine a dome of cavernous air
Phosphorescent volumes of thought
Moons among demolished moons

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Light in the Attic

Gustavo says it’s qualities of light
In whatever he looks at
The way someone’s past glimmers up
The trunk and into eucalyptus leaves

The way broken sunlight carves
A throat as radiant as yours
Or how a cloud shadow tills
Tender alleys in this yellow city

What does he know
Holding on to it for grace
For your silence!

Gustavo goes walking
With some intent to knock
He goes walking towards the sky
That passionate suffering can’t wrinkle

He goes walking
Where the sun blinks its infant eyes
Aflame in this immortal desire to die

The Sun Scalding the Little Day

So you promise we won’t die
A flashing bolt
A sudden kiss
Just laid onto the page
Just there you say
In whatever form
We can find it
Perhaps like a snow fart
Perhaps a tiny city
Drowned in a snow globe
Shake well touch on
Anonymously statuary
Watches us you say
The way we look
Our faces
Emblems of weary futurism
All winky and all kissy
All wet with digital ink
This isn’t paradise
It’s just another way of saying
Clouds consist entirely
Of ice-crystals 
And lateness
You say isn’t just
A book of poems
David Shapiro wrote
No way not at all
It’s also colors
We see through waves
As we stand by the balustrade
Admitting that this hotel 
Will be the death of us