Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Machine to Make Noise

What I lack is words that correspond to each
minute of my state of mind.  —Antonin Artaud

When leaden words rise up free
Before this poem’s through

Meanwhile immense between each word
The dream of a Chinese empress ambling timelessly

Words on the lamb from the law
Prison-break words hungry for thunder

Go ahead and laugh
When words reproach the air

Coughing words fly off into the dark
Like a flock of angry ecstatic crows

Words that make so many starts
And stops in so many worthless places

Remember when words
Scorched ancient Chinese secrets?

When words turn tragically Mississippian
Even the meaning of day becomes laughable

Imagine the last word of love
Floating nonchalantly in a cocktail  

See? some words
Do taste of icy wind

Words mixed with hidden spices
And spat out in a frenzy

And then a sort of oblique bewilderment
Accompanies words

A coagulation of words which grip
The entire surface of the tongue

With the simplest muscular contraction
The tongue carves breath into words

Words bloomed eventually  
Rot right?

A whirlwind of savage words
A painful exacerbation of the skull

Strange and violent words
Seething deeply in the sweetest thoughts

To what in the order of principles
Can words reasonably accede?

Is it possible that some words play
Between substance and lucidity?

Or somewhat lazy words linger
Only long enough for whose ears?

A small plunder of words
Stolen from the feast of language

And don’t be mad at these familiar words
They speak familiarly to everyone they love

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