Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Estrangement Ceaselessly Deferred

When we reached the riverbank
Remember how we offered naked throats
The current’s rope?

And wasn’t it always just so just so deep
As pockets where we kept water clocks
Blinking silent oceans?

Our mothers were standing on our eyelids
Our fathers were standing on our tongues

We with our delirious waltzes
O we of ancient dizzy dances
We with wide proletarian eyes

We saw demented violins

We spun without losing breath
We heedless of the hour
And the ceremony’s import!

Our mothers were standing on our eyelids
Our fathers were standing on our tongues

We lost our arithmetic trying hard
To figure out the equation for the act of love
So incompatible with the act of poetry

We heard the tragic lips  
The hiss and then the lisp
But we never heard the word

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