Saturday, September 07, 2013

Or Again at Something that Comes After

Do you still feel disinterred sun-burns?

That was the cock-eyed July 
I foreswore double-vision and quit cold two
Dozen dependencies and you
Were so impatient with the hum-colored sun

You were only rather
Irritated at my having been born at all

First is the sweet fetid dust of these
Quiet goddamn poems beautifully
Wilting on a bedside table

Now is when you say
Summon the sun's guitars for us
Regardless of the ashes

Where did we put my cigarettes?

Now’s our chance for a little cry
Small dry sobs we bend and warp
Joyously into pinwheels and whirligigs

Hot dog!

Dreamily pernicious where you come from sure
But twice as mean the dirt
That taught me to chew

Second is the eagerness of silence
A desire waiting for the moment
It will learn how to speak

I suppose we have
Very little to say
I don’t know yet
But we will

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