Monday, May 21, 2012

When Woody Guthrie Returns to America

When the land dries & the sand flies
fold on fold of black dust rolls so dark
a yellow light bulb in the kitchen
looks like a burning cigarette.

But it's okay okay because
the Okies & the Arkies & the Texicans
follow Woodie to the sun-sun-sunny Californy sand.

they sing the Dust Bowl Blues
& everything's hunky-doria
hunky hunky dunky-doria.

Everybody's feet in everybody's face
you know how that is
buried head-over-heels in this land
got stole from you & me.

Just so you have the do-re-mi
Just so you have the do-re-mi

Somewhere grass grows
high & sweet & sad
as the voice of a blue-glass tenor.

Woody says at church they say
stand up stand up for Jesus
& at the ball game
for Christ sake
sit down.

Woody says what's God want
from a Dust Bowl refugee
sleeping under a railroad bridge
living outside like a coyote.

Woody says when Rose blows
her nose on her toes
her hose

The left arm of America
tingles more & more
a limp heart-pressed limb.

Truth is out there
coming over the horizon with a bilious smirk. 

Woody says you can keep
tall buildings where elevators run
too straight up & too straight down.

Which floor are you on
he says.
Which floor are you on.

Woody says the sour & sweat
soaked denim of my overhauls
they was bound for glory
like a straw boss of the pyramids.

They never does go
quite right in my head
he says.

Something goes out
goes out the dark house.

Mind your own business.
Mind your own.
Your own.

Ain't got no home.

Blinking once for yes
twice for no.

No home.

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