Sunday, February 19, 2012

You Will Let Go

You could just hand me
my compass, this roof-iced,
house-empty day.

You could ignore unmeasured clouds
that breathe such lifeless latitudes,
such godforsaken platitudes.

We read the Bible
your father gave you
twenty years ago.

We read all the books
prophets and apostles never wrote,
all the stories they said
they said.

We make love to the Old Testament,
ravish the words of David’s Psalms of Praises,
kiss-lick his gut-punch love songs.

Way beyond these clouds,
stars are blue frost,
feather-thin snowflakes.

The stars ignore the day.

This is a story
that day won’t give morning
any time soon,
is what you want
to but never will

This is a story that day tells.

Your snow-touched thoughts
and three spring-pressed Maple leaves
mark the Song of Songs for me.

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