Saturday, March 05, 2011

I'll Let You Borrow My Four-Leaf-Clover

Go on. Do what you want to do.
Say goodbye and get off the bus.
Send your Aunt Hazel that postcard
you promised twenty years ago.
Send secret kisses to all the ponies
your father never bought you.
Reach out and take it, the only sin
you wrapped in a white sheet
and dropped in Lake Michigan.

Go on. Take it easy on me
and the three crows of your desire.
Take it easy or any way
you can get it. Your father, the knight,
lies slain under his shield. You know
his body waits in that field
where the crows rise
like a river into the trees.
You have been watching that field
for twenty years.

Go on. You've thought about it
for a long time. And there is no
love like ours, and no one knows
where we're headed. We have
no consolation prizes. You know me,
and I know you will crank shut
every folding window in your house trailer
when your black dogs yank
their chains tonight.

You know I will be
prowling round your place.

You know the three crows of desire
have stolen the key to your back door.

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