Wednesday, February 25, 2015

O Mouths of Blossoming, Mouths of Transfiguration

And to have all these words as they think
Nothing of grief asking only for calm or lust
Useless in this village of impotent swagger
This town washed by the smooth waves
Of a filthy river this burg that fears night’s dark
Breath here where I am nothing more than
A faint noise rustling deep in a mirror-well
Into which you might look from a distant
Window in a city of quartz where yellow cats
Follow one another down otherwise empty
Sidewalks where from eucalyptus trees birds
Are charmed by your voice where there is
Fine-weather rain that brings joy and where
I could find what I write in what I love

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sometimes Broken Precisely Because

I miss you always now the snow is here to stay
I think of you when the color blue nearly 
Always opens up and looks out any more to see
How nimbly the future passes happy turbines
And Swan Lake is there too with the lumbering
Ballerinas and all the silly back aches after all
The elderly girls prayed enormously sweetly
For the resuscitation of stillborn indiscretions
Or was it the resurrection of Vienna sausages
Well dear who’s dying of thirst now tell me who
Needs a drink already we never did do one
Effortless thing did we but it pains us nonetheless
It pains us to admit O paradise! you wear my
Vague outpourings very well tonight my dear

Friday, February 13, 2015

O Ever Importunate Wisteria Naked in Winter

In this grey weather the nearest shadows throw
Back confused heads fast against a wall their
Tangled lines moving vaguely into a dim landscape
A love without an object a love without direction
The way winter opens a book maybe a treatise
On Modernist architecture with a photograph
Julius Shulman took one California afternoon he
Climbed some iron gate without caring where
He went but hearing the first sharp note of a bell
He turned his head and saw the structure’s heart
There where all the lines converged where the light
Of God shown on an outside wall and on an inside
Wall he made the light with his camera with his
Rhetoric against the shrillness of deafened words

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Story Told by the Back-Broke Bricklayer

Death came to town to pick up a pizza
And an old-man-soul on the street where
Lovely young Rita lived and when she saw
Him she said O Death please promise me
You won’t come unannounced for me
Please holler before you come for me
Death said sure thing lovely young Rita
And Rita danced and Rita sang and she
Ignored the days' fall into months she
Ignored the months' fall into years
And when Death finally knocked on her door
Rita said O Death you never warned me!
Death said yes I did Rita but you didn’t listen
To your aching bones and your cracked voice

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Alterable Noons of Loitering

O chanteuse you croon now what we desire
Is distance you sing we need a village
That waits off on a horizon a slate-roofed town
That won’t come any closer and I say look!
These perilous flagstones lead to a gate
That you call a cornea but I call my Muse  
(You do not always know what I am feeling)
You hum O baby don’t be that way don’t
Feel fluish and woozy (floozy?) baby you need
Some Jewish medicine—chicken soup and long
Boring stories about the struggle of your ancestors!
I say my people forgot almost everything alas
But that’s okay because I listen to Nouvelle
Vague and make up my own dammed tales!

Friday, February 06, 2015

Well Isn’t That Precious

Yet to exist with great repose
Like a new carpet you buy sight-
Unseen from a JC Penney catalog

To have done to dawn what the dark rose
Does to night and to do it as quickly as a cat
Breaks cover O to be the way one dreams

A joy to rejoice in this bitter caprice of leaves
This cold evening when your words
Sink once again their adulterous vowels
Into my dopey sorrow my melancholy 
That blubbers like internal organs