Wednesday, April 29, 2015

All Day Long to Sit in a Window

The moment to do something has come!
I am finished with all my work so I head
Up to the roof as usual thinking christ I
Fear being a mere you know merely
Being here watching the rain and thinking
That happiness has got to be more than
The avoidance of misery I am thinking how
I could be an honest-to-god Parisian cat
Lying on your lap ignoring your entirely blue
Gaze I could be a thought bubble moving 
Slowly above your sleeping self and I’d be
Swearing a lot O I could be fierce and
Unflinching like a French newspaper
Whose impulsive ink runs when it rains

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Beneath a Sun that Blood Offers

You’ve lived long enough
In the desert of a stranger’s mind

You walk through a yellow door
And enter a garden of seven wells

There is a lavender meadow
Where mossy pines dream
The silk cheek of a valley

There is an off-kilter sky
Of lavishly carved clouds—
Smoke thick from the heart

And there is the white 
Desert of a stranger’s face
The scarred rim of his mouth

A hole in the air between you
A hole filled with the mute
Sulfur of stifled words

Maybe you will pour
Your moist voice down his dry throat

Maybe you’ll invent a lipstick
Like Chinese poetry when a leaf falls

Friday, April 17, 2015

Toothless Roots That Chew the Mud

When finally you come to my place dear girl you
Will notice how sincerely and utterly Mississippian
These sad trees are that mark my property line
These wet and wounded laurel cherries that I have
Yet to drop one by one and drag piecemeal down
To the street and stack in a log-and-brush pile
For the city dump truck to carry off somewhere
Maybe down to the river for all I know this havoc
Of comic hopes I call my place where a luminous
Cloud lurks among the branches like a lethargic
Shroud of moths and neither of us will know if it
Is going away or waiting nor at what diaphanous
Moment it will stop devouring silence and start
Whistling and the trees will tremble and groan

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Alone Again and Night at Last

Let’s be mythological figures with ill-fitting heads
Let’s take off our meaningful glances one foot
At a time like stockings labeled as artful hints and
Why don’t we dangle them out the window
And drape those mildly frowning socks over
The nearest branch—you know the one I mean
The oak where you said there are no impossibilities
The oak where I said how can anyone fail to be
The momentary smile of down-dappled sunlight
Remember how you named me Gerrymander
Happy-shins when I said that and I called you
Irrepressible Joy That Fits and then we looked
Up and saw the flying shutters of an enormous
Yellow city the air becoming air before our eyes

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Write Largely You Say God Lost His Bifocals

Here amid the stone corridors of a cathedral
Where it is rumored and I’ve heard it said
So many of your transparent selvespanting
Melodramaticallymove toward the white
Wedge of a window through which they glide
One by one into a garden of some very curious
Magnolias andlisten—here in this garden they
See wads of blustery pink azaleas here where 
Your several selves cringe at the feral smell
Of ruined innocence here where deep laughter
Drowns in damp shadows and mice gnaw skulls  
Of careless cats here where white cockroaches
Chew the fine bones of hateful hummingbirds
Here where what burns in the sun wants to stop

Friday, April 03, 2015

My Shadow Over the Immediate

Wake up O slumberous lady of the dawn!

Put on your magenta pout
Your daisy skirt your thick-healed
Go-go boots the color of desire

Night ends!

Lemons and oranges live in these parts—
O paradise—they await your eyes
In the swelling orchards of the city

Decipher the names tattooed on the sun
Translate the hidden song of toppled shadows

Conceive—O daughter of a yellow land—can
You conceive such an unaccustomed music

Amid the vertical stones of the suburbs
Solitude listens for your arrival
A timelier silence cannot be imagined

Throw off the sheets and open the windows
Listen to birds search for clarity
An offering

Receive it so quietly that I lean close nearly
Kiss you just to see the veins of your eyelids
Breathing softly in the first light of morning