Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Or I Show You the Repetitions of My Rifle

There’s a different person in each sparkling
Occasion and yes a resentful mirror always
Remembers at best bitterly the way I touch
The lip of your glass but who cares it is night
We are in a restaurant and dogs are barking
Outside at an ocean where maybe monsters
Move in the drowned cockpits of a lost squadron
I don’t know from whale-bate really because
Everywhere our words melt into forms of fish
Believe me I think of you in that city all your life
A necklace of jewel-like moments this one too!
I think of the picture you took of dried flowers
You might have meant to water and everybody
Thumbed the picture up when you posted it online

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Your Voice the Ravenously Casual Sky

There you are again astringent oracle
Shaking those incandescent bells you keep
Roped around your neck those rowdy bells
As radiant as your eyes when hard water
Melts and you are always a little too young
For me to understand always raining or
Snowing when the air is clear and April 
Is at the door which could mean summer 
Might not come before disgusted roots
Begin to cough maybe your arms feel thin 
This year maybe you remind me that you 
Understand me better than I do you O my 
Insistent friend my lines are brittle ice and 
As pale as your gloriously mean mauve tongue! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

I Never Tell You This Because

Your throat’s dry with the vertiginous breath
Of the sleepwalker now you feel at night against
Your face a heat no longer burning prodigious
Alley cats away so you promise your spunky navel
Bitterly trembling odors that you might as well call
Fragrances and there’s this quiet gasp of laughter
When you say next time my dear my voice won’t
Come along with me smiling indifferently you say
What do we think of slim girls now! what do we
Think of cats O paradise! the ocean heaves a sigh
And swells heavy thoughts beneath the sun and
Silver-slivered clouds—these contrails left behind
Passenger jets heading to Hawaii maybe Guam
Though I don’t believe it either way

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Not Tonight the Morning

And we see so many things writhing in the sky
Of the deluded shoe that breaks its own lace
The sky of the pony kicking clumps of celestial
Daffodils the sky of your voice and how it sounds
When you talk to someone else but you think of me
Kicking stones barefoot beneath the sky that wiped
Its forehead on the rag of my youth the sky that
Yodeled dirt roads and pig trails the sky that sighed
Nights after days and days after nights like the tired
Look sometimes you walk around wearing when
You see the sky that holds something for our own
Good and it could be our bodies are sore with these
Moments loosed from desire under the sky dancing
Dancing to the very end of silence 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

And We Suffer a Most Untheatrical Life

Rain thrums the roof and rat-a-tats the window
Just as the winter voices you imagine in the bible
And in Goethe where even the ink has its own
Thoughts of paradise and you can forget about
Italian beaches and the pleasure of being
Together in the same darkish garden watching
The same moonish paving stone sink into a path
That might have led toward terrible terrible youth
The heart empty in its knowledge of unaquaintance
The way you walk in your best outfit alone at night
Loveless and lampless down the same lane where
One hot Mississippi afternoon we saw the river
Flow past Vicksburg looking as tepid and tan
As the milk and coffee in our daughter’s cup