Monday, July 28, 2014

Smiling in the Silk of Flags

Whose kiss initiates me only for a moment
Whose darkest secret hides the stranger’s eye
Whose tongue caresses the moment before action
Whose voice invokes the powdery light of sunset
Whose words drop leafy at my feet
Whose breathing has yet to crystallize my thought
Whose wrath endangers wayward stars
Whose countenance calms constellations
Whose pale skin drinks the milk of the moon
Whose narrow shoulders spread ancient wings
Whose lovely silhouette barely discerns itself
Whose blue eyes tell the good will of friends
Whose buttocks remain enviously shapely
Whose lips reconcile us yes before they spit

Friday, July 18, 2014

And the Clouds Go on and on

Now you are being poured upward
And I hold your legs though I don’t
Believe it for a minute this is all so
Sort of Sunday and summer and hot
When the sky reaches and you rise
Into your strangely fluent palace
Where cumulus chambers breathe
Plural moments all being beautifully
Blonde each form having its own
Particular way of moving when you
Invite me to stand atop a world
That we release without regret not
An iota! O my darling barnacled heart
Tomorrow opens like a human hand 

Author Reading

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

For the Petulant Two-Fisted Heart

Suddenly attentive at the instant
The instance draws near
Slowly and more slowly now 

Evanescent and fragrantly rosy oh boy!
What fun it is
Greeting what happens next

The poem whose
Words become a blazoned face 

The poem whose attendant amiability
Names what it cannot speak

What it can only wish to do

O no more dolorous possibilities
Gnawing faintly hopeful clouds  

No more spite in the velvet pity 
Waiting down a long sweet song 
That smells only vaguely true

Don’t these exhausted roses ever think?

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Respectful Art of Gazing

We long for nothing exceptional only
Love at the water’s edge
And an unerring eye for exquisite details

The possibility of holding a frozen scene
In our cupped hands O look! this poem
Desires to register the here and now

By means of any number of evocative images
The buttoned jacket of that man for example
And the string dangling before the child’s hand

These invoke our sense of touch
As does the woman’s right hand
Caressing her cascading curls a rhyme

With the oak branch draped in Spanish moss
And judging from the long shadows
It must be the end of a leisurely day

Certainly whatever was going on has reached
A pause for see how the man droops rather
Concentrating on his own preoccupations

A steel drum and a wooden barrel
Stand near the bayou where several boats
Are either moored or drawn up on shore

Notice the bicycle’s front wheel
Turned slightly toward us what does it mean?
What to make of this man this woman this child

And these other things presented in a distinct
Continuum so we might appreciate them
At our leisure and for ourselves the respectful

Art of gazing 
Countenances no action
That might narrowly define the moment


Saturday, July 05, 2014


On a hill in western Arkansas
There is a monastic community
Where each gives according to his ability
And receives according to his need

But sadly and in profile

So what if night’s wakeful hand
Unleashes carnivorous clouds
So what if animals rest before sleep

Sometimes the monks ponder
A very real and deep spiritual bond
Between the apple and the knife

The monks inhabit a state of mind

They abandoned cities of troubled swagger
Towns of tepid severity

They are auditors of moonlight
And wear sorrow’s habit of conquest

They cannot see the evident and obvious
Bruised starlight in their eyes

Why should they seek the end of the rope

The monks are unfamiliar with visual stereotypes
Unequipped to wear complacent public faces

They walk this interminable span of gullied land
Their hearts asking no questions
These monks who were born wounded
Six times in behalf of prodigal shadows

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Only Because It Pleases the Tongue

Branches reach like sinuous rafters peaceful
At evening when a bird loses all measure
Of these leaves this land that memory
Captive before spoken things the soul
A thread tied to a star the slow passage
Of everything could have been different
Could have been waiting for you like rain
In your wineglass the remorseless flame
Of sound the intractable smoke of silence
A sheet wrapped around a thought now
Let us praise those who pray alone with cold
Stones O how they love that which awaits
Its own defeat how they adore that which
Reconciles its own face with its own scream 

Author Reading