Saturday, December 25, 2010

Love Poem # 46

~ For Miranda

We are like Méliès,
that artist of the silent film
who died poor --
the fate of all who pursue
something out of love.

Face it. 
We make a handsome, 
paranoid couple
sleepwalking backwards 
hand-in-hand in 
the midst of plots 
and sheer drops.

We back our way into tomorrow,
looking down but leaning
both shoulders against a filthy wind.

We back our way
into a flotsam of broken voices,
the detritus of arguments
we never saw coming.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Girl Who Bought My Bibles

Since she was seventeen,
she wakes early to watch
the gray-frost morning
yield to the day landscape.

She adores the way night
fights a graceful retreat
from the penumbra
of every pine shadow.

She can play them, too,
these branches waving
a canopy of shade.

This is her song.

She shunned this dog
since she was seventeen and singing:
 I'll be damned if I dance
and I'll be damned if I don't.

She dreamed this scene
for the rest of her life.

Dancing with the last cold
breath of last night,
she was seventeen and singing:

The day is broke.
Be wary; look about.

Then, window, 
let day in
and let life out.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Camp Life

Before First Battle:
First thing in the morning
is drill, then drill, then drill again.
Between drills, we drill
and sometimes we stop
to eat a little and have a roll call.

Before Last Battle:
After breakfast there is little
for the well men to do in these
winter quarters. The forenoon
is spent in poke, poke, poking around
till the appetite says
it is dinner time.

Monday, December 06, 2010

When Bonnie Parker & Clyde Barrow Woke in Bienville Parish, May 23, 1934

Bonnie said:
We forswear salted horse
and the hard take
and the random thrill
kill. Our nature is raw.
We hate all law, 
stool pigeons,
spotters and rats. 

Clyde said
My lover, ignore the riotous 
affairs of this raffish, 
faith-based sunrise.
Such a dawn has only one 
remedy for all that ails us--
a thread-precious death. 

Bonnie said:
We forswear the first
and final word we heard
about the kidnap demand,
the Kansas City Depot job,
and clinically proven 
hair-loss solutions. 

Clyde said
Say goodbye, my darling, 
to the bald apostle 
who pawned his soul
for a pair of soiled wings. 

Bonnie said:
We forswear songs we forgot
we wrote in my mother's bible.

We forswear bus-station farewells
and a journey that takes us down
a gunpowder road
where day waits in the cane brake. 

Clyde said
Abandon, my heart,
the art of letting go.

Let's ride our horses
toward all the towns
we plan to name our children.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Waking Upside Down Under Water

He dreamed 
he was waiting in line
at the Department of Motor Vehicles,
standing in a row of cardboard eunuchs.

They were holding hands like a 
paper-chain of faceless children, 
and they were singing: 
Please cut us out
just as fast as you possibly can.

He was singing, too,
and thinking of the last time
he kissed his wife's hand.

She was looking 
out the passenger window. 
I'm lonesome as hell, she said,
whenever you're around.

They were driving somewhere 
through flashing shafts of sun and shade,
pillars of pine-shadow and green-dusty light.

He took her hand
and said:
I wasted life. 
Why wouldn't I
waste the afterlife?

Saturday, December 04, 2010

The Lament of Yoko Ono

I was so happy
that last night with you.

Every time
I see the moon,
I think of you
every single day.
You looked
like a skeleton
with skin on.

Wasn't that night
so scary?
is what I want to say to you.

And you would say:
It was.